Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1: Construction of Peer Review Outline Number 1

Here's what you will want to bring to class on Friday:
  • Your rubrics/criteria ( a few copies)
  • The articles you analyzed
  • Your analysis notes
Today in class, we discussed what makes/doesn't make a good peer review/feedback session. Some of our notes so graciously taken by Emily and Sam include:

Class Notes: Peer Group/Feedback
? Focus on what was done wrong, no talk of improvement
? See a page covered in red ink
? Good writers are relative
? Empty page (no feedback)
? More than one person?s feedback on work
? *Constructive criticism
? More than one way to write
? Have someone familiar with your writing style look over it
? Relationship with peer editor is important
? 5 or less group members, between 3-5 (4)
? Groups should be based on genre
? Topic choice: shouldn?t matter, more interesting
? Different topics?
? Be constructive
? Written feedback, but talk as a group after
? One on one, switching
? Teacher role: monitor groups, ask if we have questions
? Comment on their piece, highlight, underline, write in margins

Based on these notes and on our class discussion, this is the format I came up with for our peer work this coming Friday:

Random groups of 4 people (topic does not matter as we are all working with the same genre). What you decide to discuss and talk about, per class discussion today, will be up to you. The role of the teacher will be that of: “Hoverer”/mediator/”big” question answerer. Your classmates will be who will really help you in this—so learn from them. Here is the timeline/breakdown for this:

1.     Two minutes each for a total of eight minutes (whole group): Each person in the group will tell about:

a.    His/her chosen topic

b.    Criteria he/she found interesting

c.    Questions/problems he/she may have had that they want other group members to really focus on

2.    5 minutes (in first pairs): Written feedback

a.    Group members will examine each other rubrics/criteria in relation to the analysis done and to their own rubrics they constructed

b.    Make notes about question, good things, questionable issues, whatever else you see, and above all, be specific on your feedback.

3.    5 minutes (in first pairs): Oral feedback

a.    Group members, with the same partner as in step two, will share their written feedback orally.

4.    5 minutes (in second pairs): Repeat step two

5.    5 minutes (in second pairs): Repeat step three

6.    5 minutes (in third pairs): Repeat step two

7.    5 minutes (in third pairs): Repeat step three

8.    With time remaining (whole class): Your remaining questions/comments will be brought to the whole class for discussion.

Hopefully this format work... if not, we'll change it for next time!

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